OCTOBER 4-5-6-7-8


As Jungian Studies Istanbul, we invite you to our "Jungian Somatics and Somatic Alchemy" event, which will take place on October 4-5-6 in Istanbul and on October 7-8 at the Asklepion in Pergamon.



Jungian Studies İstanbul Jung's Theory has influenced people

Individual Development

Jung's analytical psychology helps individuals understand their inner worlds and personal development. According to Jung, people can realize their true selves and potentials by exploring their unconscious minds, archetypes, and the process of individuation.

Personality Typology

Jung's theory introduced the concept of personality types, most notably the introvert-extrovert dimension and the cognitive functions (thinking, feeling, sensation, intuition). This has significantly impacted personality assessments like the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI), which is widely used for self-discovery and career counseling.

Spirituality and Self-Exploration

Jung's emphasis on spirituality, the collective unconscious, and symbolism has influenced various fields, including art, literature, and depth psychology. It encourages people to explore their dreams, symbols, and unconscious elements as a means of achieving self-awareness and personal growth. Jung's ideas have also played a role in the development of depth psychotherapy and the study of mythology and religion.


Jung's Theory

Jung’s theory, developed by Swiss psychiatrist Carl Jung, explores the deep aspects of the human psyche. It emphasizes the collective unconscious, archetypes, and the process of individuation, which is the journey toward self-realization and wholeness. Jung’s theory has had a significant impact on psychology, personality typology, and the understanding of human development.

Jungian Studies İstanbul Event Speakers

Jane Clapp

Jungian Psychoanalyst

Berin Orhan

Expert Clinical Psychologist

SCHEDULE DETAILS Information of Event Schedules

World is committed to making participation in the event a harassment free experience for everyone, regardless of level of experience, gender, gender identity and expression

10:00 AM

Jungian Somatic & Somatic Alchemy

As Jungian Studies Istanbul, we invite you to our "Jungian Somatics and Somatic Alchemy" event, which will take place on October 4-5-6 in Istanbul and on October 7-8 at the Asklepion in Pergamon.

The first part of our event will start in Istanbul, led by Jane Clapp and Berin Orhan, focusing on Jungian somatic studies and somatic alchemy. Our participants will explore the deep connections between body and mind, body and psyche.

The second part of the event will take place at the historical Asklepion in Pergamon. On October 7-8, we will stay in the mystical atmosphere of the ancient healing center and conduct in-depth studies on somatic healing and Jungian alchemy.

After our studies at the ancient Asklepion, we will move to Pissa Bay in Dikili for a beach event and picnic. We will relax in nature, relieve the fatigue of the event, and deepen our sharing with each other.

This unique experience will offer participants an unforgettable journey of transformation, including both theoretical knowledge and practical applications.


Berin Orhan


Jane Clapp

Bergama Asklepion / Dikili Pissa

Bergama Asklepion / Dikili Pissa

As Jungian Studies Istanbul, we invite you to our "Jungian Somatics and Somatic Alchemy" event, which will take place on October 4-5-6 in Istanbul and on October 7-8 at the Asklepion in Pergamon.

The first part of our event will start in Istanbul, led by Jane Clapp and Berin Orhan, focusing on Jungian somatic studies and somatic alchemy. Our participants will explore the deep connections between body and mind, body and psyche.

The second part of the event will take place at the historical Asklepion in Pergamon. On October 7-8, we will stay in the mystical atmosphere of the ancient healing center and conduct in-depth studies on somatic healing and Jungian alchemy.

After our studies at the ancient Asklepion, we will move to Pissa Bay in Dikili for a beach event and picnic. We will relax in nature, relieve the fatigue of the event, and deepen our sharing with each other.

This unique experience will offer participants an unforgettable journey of transformation, including both theoretical knowledge and practical applications.


Berin Orhan


Jane Clapp

Jungian Studies İstanbul BLOG

How to Make a Bank Transfer (EFT) to a Turkish Bank

October Jungian Somatics & Somatic Alchemy Training Program

Ekim Ayı Jungiyen Somatik & Somatik Simya Eğitim Programı

HURRY UP! Join the Jungian Somatics Introduction on January 21!